Since you decided to read this post today, you may be wondering to yourself “what in the world is this “lifestyle photography” that I keep hearing about?” Professional lifestyle photography is a form of photography that sits right in the middle of classic portraiture and loose and candid documentary. It’s the happy medium, Goldilocks’s softest bed, the ‘little of this and little of that’ form of photography. 

When you apply this form of photography to a newborn session, the final product is a gallery full of images that evoke strong emotions of love, affection, and happiness when viewed! Keep reading to learn more and book your newborn lifestyle session with me today!

If you do a quick Google search for the definition of lifestyle photography, you may end up finding something along the lines of documenting people in real-life every day events or milestones in a beautiful artistic way. A newborn lifestyle session is this and so much more! During out 2-3 hour session, my goal is to tell a story of your baby’s first days home and your, as new parents (whether this is your first child or your tenth!) first days adjusting to the newest member of the family. I want to tell a story, YOUR story so that in 5, 10, or 20 years, you will look back on these images and remember the love and joy you felt in these moments. 

While looking at lifestyle images online, you may get the idea that the photographer just hangs around all day and captures candid moments, but in reality, the session is set length of time where your photographer (Me!) will, what I like to call “candidly” pose you. I will use some prompts and gentle direction to help you along during the session. These prompts will elicit natural responses and truly (structured) candid moments. This is when I snap, snap, snap away! Lighting also play a huge role in a lifestyle newborn session. I’m not that photographer that carries around a ton of portable light sources, so I try to look for the best lighting in your home. Sometimes that may be the nursery, other times it may mean that parents and baby are in the master bedroom! Your gallery will most likely include images from multiple places in your home. 

What I feel is the single most important factor in determining the time of day of your session is the location of the main place you want to take your images. This is usually the nursery, but some parents love the look of the whole family piled up on their master bed! Think about your top pick in your home, where is it in regard to the sun? Does the most sunlight come through in the morning or do you get lovely light in the evenings as the sun is setting? This will help us determine whether your session needs to be in the morning or afternoon/evening. 

Baby sleeping is preferred when doing a newborn session, but that’s why my session are 2-3 hours long! That allows for feedings, diaper and clothes changes, extra snuggles to calm and soothe baby. So, no fretting when baby spits up or needs a diaper change!

I hope this short post has answered some questions you may have had, and I hope to hear from you soon! Links are below for booking and investment information!