I'm using what 2023 showed me and I'm "re-focusing" ( I love a good photography pun!) in 2024. In my first full year in the photography business, I learned so, so much! Looking back at some of my first sessions of the year and to compare it to my last, I can see my growth! What is also evident in my work is the steady growth of my love for it. In the last 52 weeks, I've dabbled a bit in several different types of photography. I've tried event photography (birthday parties), pet, senior and family photography. Far and wide, my heart lies in the family.

I have a whole blog post on this next topic, but here's the gist. My dad passed away when I was 20, and shortly after, I realized that the very last picture I had with him was out of focus, grainy, and we were both looking at different people. But that was my last picture with him. And I didn't have many to begin with because the man hated to get his picture taken! From that, I learned what pictures truly mean. They are often times the only thing we have left to keep a memory of a loved one alive long after they're gone.

Over the years (prior to and including my professional career) I've grown to love not only family photography, but lifestyle family photography. "Lifestyle" is just a semi-fancy term for everyday life. During a session with me, I offer guided poses that elicit true, natural emotion and genuine affection from one another to one another. Think less "look at the camera and smile" and more "nuzzle your little one's cheek and give her a squeeze". I do get those money shots, though. You know, the ones the grands generally prefer with everyone looking and smiling! I seek to capture the heart in every image I take!

What I want to do in 2024 is to focus on YOU as the client. Your sessions with me should be an experience rather than a chore. Family pictures shouldn't be something you HAVE to get done, it should be an event that you talk about for months!

For 2023, I had three options for family sessions. A 30 minute, 1 hour, or 2 hour session and each came with X number of images (though I tended to over deliver!) But I wanted to start the new year off with something new (to me anyway). I will only have 1 option for family sessions. It will be a session that is UP TO 90 minutes. That's right! A full hour and a half, if needed is all yours. That doesn't mean you must spend the full 90 minutes, it just means that there isn't so much limited time anymore. My sessions will be client driven. The session ends when YOU feel you are happy with your experience and what you will get from it. I want to make sure we get all the connections and moments documented. If YOU are comfortable after half an hour, fine! If you want to continue, we go to the hour and a half mark! It's about you.

Family sessions should be focused on connections between one another. I know how stressful it can be to get everyone ready and arrive on time, much less have to hope that the kid(s) cooperate. Having a longer expected time for the sessions allows for moments when the kiddos just aren't having it. Often times, letting them explore around the location for a few minutes lets them warm up to me some, and them you'll be more relaxed because they will be.

Now, the part that is easily the most awkward for me to talk about. Your investment. Have you ever felt the need to justify why you price something the way you do? Lookin' at you, small business owners! Well, I do. I feel like I need to explain my pricing in detail. But one of my New Years Resolutions for photography is to work towards NOT feeling that way!

Anyway, since THAT is a work in progress, here's your investment and why! First, it's an investment, not a price. You aren't purchasing a one and done item. You are putting your time and money into an experience that you will carry with you and have priceless, treasured memories to show for it. Are you ready-cue nervousness from me- $250.00 (plus tax). That is your investment. Your investment in me, in your family. But you are getting more than just images. You are getting the works. All edited images from the session are yours to print wherever you'd like because a print release is included. That could easily be upwards of 100 images! You will receive my Family Session Guide PDF that I created with you in mind, to assist you in picking outfits and give you tips that will help you day of the session. If you aren't great at picking outfits, or you need some extra help, that's where I come in. I will help you by determining a color scheme from an item of clothing you know you want to wear and you can pick your pieces from there OR if you are at a complete loss, I will guide you start to finish! If you are more of an in-person person, let's grab some coffee on me and sit down and get your whole ensemble together! I'm here for YOU.

Need help choosing a location? I'm here for you for that, too! Tell me the vibe you are going for, and I will give you some options and you can choose from there.

I want to make the whole thing, from start to finish the best experience for you. A zero-stress family session experience.

Additional Info:

Most venues charge by the hour and will not split the hour. That being said, everything above still applies, except that the session will be capped at the hour mark. If you know or think you will want more than an hour, you will need to pay for two hours at the venue. If you choose to do so, I will extend your session to up to 2 hours at no additional charge! Venue fees typically are not refundable.